What is the difference between backlink and link juice?

Link juice process

Backlink, also known as an inbounding link, Incoming link and hyperlink.
Backlink points from one website to another website, These links are important for search engine Ranking, Backlink consider by Search engine.

Link Juice is technical name in (SEO) When some amount of value transfer from one website to another website through Backlink, This transfer of value is know as a link juice.

Important of Backlink and link juice

Backlink play a crucial role in website ranking high-quality and relevant websites link is more valuable for search Engine ranking, Quality and quantity backlink to assess the authority and popularity of website.

Search Engine give more value of that link came from reputable, authoritative website. and other hand links from Sammy or low quality sites backlink negative impact on search engine ranking.

Types of Link Juice:

There are 2 ways in which we can provide link juice to our website.

1. Direct Link

2. Indirect link

Link: it is an address of the website and it is Clickable when we click on that link then we redirect to that website address is call a link.

Link juice: SEO’s technical name is link juice, When get some amount of value from the link is call link juice

Sculpting link Juice| link juice process

Link Juice Process step

When we take a link from any website for our website, then through that link our website gets some value which helps our website in search ranking.
link providing website

in this picture Link provider website is providing three link , two link is do follow and one link is no follow website-1 and website-2 get 33% link juice, and website-3 gets 0%, meaning 33% link juice is wasted. In technical language, this process is called leaking of link juice.

Example: if one website providing five link 3 link is do follow and 2 link is no follow so three website will get 20% Link juice and 2 website will get 0% link juice and 40% link juice got wasted.

when will get link juice to a website

I already wrote that if link is do follow then we will get link juice, if link is no follow then we will not get link juice it not mean that we should not take no follow link, I know that we will no get link juice from no follow link but for Search Engine ranking we should make at least 30% no follow link out of 100% and 70% do follow link.

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